Overland Station: par voie de terre

Overland Station: par voie de terre (AGO performance)

Overland Station: par voie de terre, was a partnership program between VIA rail, OCAD U, and the Art Gallery of Ontario, curated by the September Collective. Overland Station began with an impromptu performance at Vancouver Central Station, and continued aboard the long haul passenger train, The Canadian, enroute to Toronto and back. Performing in the VIA Rail train cars, the past was brought alive through the portrayal of a station agent from the turn of the century. Wearing a historically inspired uniform, the on-train performance included the completion of duties assigned to a station agent in the late 19 century, including transcription and delivery of telegrams and letters, and distributing handmade letterpress tickets. The mid-way point of the journey was marked with a participatory even at the Art Gallery of Ontario.

May 13 - May 26, 2012 | Vancouver - Toronto, Canada

Overland Station (cases)
Series of three antique suitcases were filled with the contents of the Overland Station when onboard the moving train.

Overland Station (printed matter)
An assortment of hand-printed broadsides were available to onboard passengers.

Overland Station Miniature
Portable model of early 20th century Canadian train station (32 x 40 x 28 cm)

Overland Station Miniature (detail)

Overland Station Ticket
Hand-printed and lettered tickets were issued to the onboard passengers and participants at the AGO event.

Pop-up Station
Tyvek, digital print, aluminum rod, shock cord (92 x 92 x 240 cm)

Station Agent

Overland Station Telegrams
Passengers onboard were encouraged to send mail through the Overland Station, which would then be transcribed by typewriter and sent to the designated recipient by surface mail.

Overland Station (twitter feed image)
A daily blog, twitter feed, and interactive map were maintained during the Overland Station: par voie de terre journey.

Overland Station (twitter feed image)
A daily blog, twitter feed, and interactive map were maintained during the Overland Station: par voie de terre journey.

Overland Station (twitter feed image)
A daily blog, twitter feed, and interactive map were maintained during the Overland Station: par voie de terre journey.

Overland Station (twitter feed image)
A daily blog, twitter feed, and interactive map were maintained during the Overland Station: par voie de terre journey.

Overland Station (twitter feed image)
A daily blog, twitter feed, and interactive map were maintained during the Overland Station: par voie de terre journey.

Overland Station (twitter feed image)
A daily blog, twitter feed, and interactive map were maintained during the Overland Station: par voie de terre journey.